- Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Alexander N. Baker, Sarah-Jane Richards, Antonio Laezza, Marc Walker and Matthew I. Gibson. Tuning aggregative versus non-aggregative lectin binding with glycosylated nanoparticles by the nature of the polymer ligand. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2019, Advance Article. Open Access.
- Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Ioanna Kontopoulou, Thomas R. Congdon and Matthew I. Gibson. Ice recrystallisation inhibiting polymer nano-objects via saline-tolerant polymerisation-induced self-assembly. Materials Horizon. 2020, Advance Article. Open Access.
- Ruth Mateu Ferrando, Laura Polito, Luigi Lay. Gold nanoparticle-based platforms for vaccine development. Drug Discovery Today: Technologies. 2020. Open Access.
- Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Huba L. Marton, Alexander N. Baker, Thomas R. Congdon, Thomas F. Whale, and Matthew I. Gibson. Polymer Self-Assembly Induced Enhancement of Ice Recrystallization Inhibition. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021. Open Access.
- Alessia Pancaro, Michal Szymonik, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Alexander N Baker, Marc Walker, Peter Adriaensens, Jelle Hendrix, Matthew I. Gibson, and Inge Nelissen. The Polymeric Glyco-Linker Controls the Signal Outputs for Plasmonic Gold Nanorods Biosensors due to Biocorona Formation. Nanoscale, 2021. Open Access.
- Milica Velimirovic, Alessia Pancaro, Robert Mildner, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Kristof Tirez, Inge Nelissen, Christoph Johann, Matthew I. Gibson, and Frank Vanhaecke. Joint Forces of HR-Spicp-MS and EAF4-MALS for Characterization of Gold Nanorods Conjugated with Synthetic Glycopolymers. Materials Proceedings, 2021. Open Access.
Alexander N. Baker, Sarah-Jane Richards, Sarojini Pandey, Collette S. Guy, Ashfaq Ahmad, Muhammad Hasan, Caroline I. Biggs, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Alexander J. Zwetsloot, Anne Straube, Simone Dedola, Robert A. Field, Neil R Anderson, Marc Walker, Dimitris Grammatopoulos, and Matthew I. Gibson. Glycan-Based Flow-Through Device for the Detection of SARS-COV-2. ACS Sens. 2021. Open Access.
- Milica Velimirovic, Alessia Pancaro, Robert Mildner, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Kristof Tirez, Inge Nelissen, Christoph Johann, Matthew I. Gibson, and Frank Vanhaecke. Characterization of Gold Nanorods Conjugated with Synthetic Glycopolymers Using an Analytical Approach Based on spICP-SFMS and EAF4-MALS. Nanomaterials 2021, 11, no. 10: 2720. Open Access.
- Alexander N. Baker, Thomas R. Congdon, Sarah-Jane Richards, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Marc Walker, Simone Dedola, Robert A. Field, and Matthew I. Gibson. End-Functionalized Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) for Ligand Display in Lateral Flow Device Test Lines. ACS Polymers. 2021. Open Access.
- Alexander N. Baker, Asier R. Muguruza, Sarah-Jane Richards, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Stephen Goetz, Marc Walker, Simone Dedola, Robert A. Field, and Matthew I. Gibson. Lateral Flow Glyco-Assays for the Rapid and Low-Cost Detection of Lectins–Polymeric Linkers and Particle Engineering Are Essential for Selectivity and Performance. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2021. Open Access.
- Eva Clemente, Marta Martinez-Moro, Duong N. Trinh, Mahmoud G. Soliman, Daniel I R Spencer, Richard A. Gardner, Maximilianos Kotsias, Ana Sánchez Iglesias, Sergio Moya, Marco P. Monopoli. Probing the glycans accessibility in the Nanoparticle biomolecular corona. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2021. Open Access.
- Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Collette S. Guy, Muhammad Hasan, Ashfaq Ahmad, Sarah-Jane Richards, Alexander N. Baker, Neer V. Thakkar, Marc Walker, Sarojini Pandey, Neil R. Anderson, Dimitris Grammatopoulos, and Matthew I. Gibson. Plasmonic Detection of SARS-CoV‑2 Spike Protein with Polymer-Stabilized Glycosylated Gold Nanorods. ACS Macro Lett. 2022, 11, 317−322. Open Access.
- Gizem Erol, Patricia Pérez Schmidt, Alessia Pancaro, Javier M. Melo Diaz, Africa G. Barrientos, John Porter, Laura Polito, Michal Szymonik, Inge Nelissen, Daniel I.R. Spencer, Arianna Piotti, Marten Beeg, Maria-Grazia De Simoni, Stefano Fumagalli, Marco Gobbi. New nanostructures inhibiting human mannose binding lectin identified by a novel surface plasmon resonance assay, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 360, 2022, 131661. Open Access.
- Javier M. Melo Diaz, Simon Peele, Daniel Spencer, Jenifer Hendel. Extraction and purification of a High Mannose type oligosaccharide from Phaseolus lunatus beans by oxidative release with sodium hypochlorite, Carbohydrate Research, 2022. Open Access.
- Nicola Judge, Dražen Pavlović, Evelin Moldenhauer, Paul Clarke, Ruairi Brannigan, Andreas Heise. Influence of the block copolypeptide surfactant structure on the size of polypeptide nanoparticles obtained by mini emulsion polymerisation. Polym. Chem., 2022, 13, 2822-2830. Open Access.
- Julian Micallefa, Alexander N. Baker, Sarah-Jane Richards, Douglas E. Soutar, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Marc Walker and Matthew I. Gibson. Polymer-tethered glyconanoparticle colourimetric biosensors for lectin binding: structural and experimental parameters to ensure a robust output. RSC Adv. 2022. Open Access.
- Javier M. Melo Diaz, Alan Moran, Simon Peele, Daniel Spencer, Jenifer Hendel. Egg yolk sialylglycopeptide: purification, isolation and characterization of N-glycans from minor glycopeptide species, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2022. Open Access.
- Alexander N. Baker, George W. Hawker-Bond, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Simone Dedola, Robert A. Field, Matthew I. Gibson. Glycosylated gold nanoparticles in point of care diagnostics: from aggregation to lateral flow, Chemical Society Reviews, 2022. Open Access.
- Toru Ishibe, Natalia Gonzalez-Martinez, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Kathryn A. Murray, and Matthew I. Gibson. Synthesis of Poly(2-(methylsulfinyl)ethyl methacrylate) via Oxidation of Poly(2-(methylthio)ethyl methacrylate): Evaluation of the Sulfoxide Side Chain on Cryopreservation. ACS Polymers, 2022. Open Access.
- Ashfaq Ahmad, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Alessia Pancaro, Muhammad Hasan, Inge Nelissen, and Matthew I. Gibson. Polymer-tethered glycosylated gold nanoparticles recruit sialylated glycoproteins into their protein corona, leading to off-target lectin binding. NanoScale. 2022. Open Access.
- Patricia Pérez Schmidt, Katiuscia Pagano, Cristina Lenardi, Marta Penconi, Ruth Mateu Ferrando, Claudio Evangelisti, Luigi Lay, Laura Ragona, Marcello Marelli, Laura Polito. Photo-Induced Microfluidic Production of Ultrasmall Glyco Gold Nanoparticles. Angewandte Chemie (International edition). 2022. Open Access.
- Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Nina L. H. Kinney, Ioanna Kontopoulou, Alexander N. Baker, Steven A. Hindmarsh, Akalabya Bissoyi, Thomas R. Congdon, Thomas F. Whale, and Matthew I. Gibson. Poly(vinyl alcohol) Molecular Bottlebrushes Nucleate Ice. Biomacromolecules. 2022. Open Access.
- Richard D. Perrins, Lee-Anne McCarthy, Angela Robinson, Kelly L. Spry, Valentin Cognet, Avelino Ferreira, John Porter, Cristina Espinosa Garcίa, Miguel Ángel Rodriguez, Diana Lopez, Ibon Perera, Kelly Conlon, Africa Barrientos, Tom Coulter, Alessandro Pace, Sarah J. M. Hale, Enrico Ferrari and Csanad Z. Bachrati. Targeting Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles with cRGD Peptide Increases the Uptake and Efficacy of Cytotoxic Payload. Nanomaterials. 2022. Open Access.
- Nicola Judge, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Akalabya Bissoyi, Ashfaq Ahmad, Andreas Heise and Matthew I. Gibson. High Molecular Weight Polyproline as a Potential Biosourced Ice Growth Inhibitor: Synthesis, Ice Recrystallization Inhibition, and Specific Ice Face Binding. Biomacromolecules. 2023. Open Access.
- Jennifer Alarcon, Mahmoud Soliman, Tanja Lüdtke, Eva Clemente, Marko Dobricic, … Sergio Moya, Paolo Bigini and Marco P Monopoli. Long-term retention of gold nanoparticles in the liver is not affected by their physicochemical characteristics. Nanoscale. 2023. Open Access.
- Daniela Tomasino, Ashfaq Ahmad, Tauseef Ahmad, Golestan Salimbeigi, Jennifer Dowling, Mark Lemoine, Ruth Mateu Ferrando, Alan Hibbitts, Ruairí P. Branningan, Mathew I. Gibson, Luigi Lay, Andreas Heise. Surface mannosylation of dispersion polymerisation derived nanoparticles by copper mediated click chemistry. Polymer Chemistry, 2024. Open Access.
- Simona Bianco, Muhammad Hasan, Ashfaq Ahmad, Sarah-Jane Richards, Bart Dietrich, Matthew Wallace, Qiao Tang, Andrew J. Smith, Matthew I. Gibson & Dave J. Adams. Mechanical release of homogenous proteins from supramolecular gels. Nature. 2024. Open Access.
- Alessia Pancaro, Michal Szymonik, Patricia Pérez Schmidt, Gizem Erol, Africa Barrientos, Laura Polito, Marco Gobbi, Sam Duwé, Jelle Hendrix & Inge Nelissen. A Nanoplasmonic Assay for Point-of-Care Detection of Mannose-Binding Lectin in Human Serum. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2024. Open Access.
Posters and other dissemination materials
- Riccardo Rovina, Jordi Llop, Monica Carril, Preparation of gold glyconanoparticles (AuGNPs) as theragnostic agents for brain ischemia, The 3rd Biennial Young Researchers Workshop on Biomaterials and Applications (bioMAPP19), Bilbao, ES, 4 December 2019. Poster.
- Ruth Mateu Ferrando, Laura Polito, Luigi Lay, Synthesis of sugar-based ligands to evaluate the protein-corona formation on gold nanoparticles surface, NANO-DAY IV, Milan, IT, 11-14 December 2019. Poster.
- Alessia Pancaro, Michal Szymonik, Sarah Deville, Jelle Hendrix and Inge Nelissen. Biosensing platform for lectin detection using nanoplasmonics. DIATECH 2020, Leuven, BE, 27-29 January 2020. Poster.
- Avelino Ferreira, Patricia Pérez Schmidt, Valentin Cognet , Diana López, Ibon Perera, Miguel Rodríguez, Africa Barrientos. Synthesis and Characterization of Ultra-Small Gold Nanoparticles: Midatech Pharma MidacoreTM Platform. 3rD Glycobasque Meeting at CICBiogune in Bilbao, ES, 12-13 March 2020. Poster.
- Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Antonio Laezza, Alexander N. Baker, Sarah-Jane Richards, Ioanna Kontopoulou, Marc Walker, Thomas R. Congdon and Matthew I. Gibson. New Nanomaterial Design Principles for Biomimics. Macro group UK’s Young Researchers Meeting (YRM2020), 29-30 June 2020. Poster.
- Gizem Erol, Silvia Coco, Stefano Fumagalli, Marco Gobbi. Development of glycan-coated nanoparticles acting as inhibitors of specific lectins, as a new neuroprotective therapeutic strategy for brain injury caused by ischemia. Annual Meeting of the Milan Centre for Neurosciences (NeuroMI 2020). 18 December 2020. VideoPoster.
- Patricia Pérez Schmidt. Glyco-gold nanoparticles as smart tools in nanomedicine: synthesis and biodistribution in healthy mice. ACS Spring 2021, 8 April 2021. Presentation.
- Daniela Tomasino. Nanoparticles via SET-LR-PISA. 72nd Irish Chemistry Research Colloquium, 17-18 June 2021. Presentation.
- Eva Clemente. Probing the glycans accessibility of the nanoparticles biomolecular corona. 72nd Irish Chemistry Research Colloquium, 17-18 June 2021. Presentation.
- Alessia Pancaro, Michal Szymonik, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Alexander N Baker, Marc Walker, Peter Adriaensens, Jelle Hendrix, Matthew I. Gibson, and Inge Nelissen. The Nature of The Polymeric Glyco-Linker Controls the Signal Outputs for Plasmonic Gold Nanorods Biosensors in Complex Media due to Biocorona Formation. NanoMed Europe ’21 conference, 7-9 September 2021. Poster.
- Alessia Pancaro, Michal Szymonik, Panagiotis G. Georgiou, Alexander N Baker, Marc Walker, Peter Adriaensens, Jelle Hendrix, Matthew I. Gibson, and Inge Nelissen. The Nature of The Polymeric Glyco-Linker Controls the Signal Outputs for Plasmonic Gold Nanorods Biosensors in Complex Media due to Biocorona Formation. C’Nano 2020, Toulouse, FR, 23-25 November 2021. Poster.
- Panagiotis G. Georgiou, N.L.H. Kinney, I. Kontopoulou, A.N. Baker, S.A. Hindmarsh, A. Bissoyi, T.R. Congdon, T.F. Whale, M.I. Gibson. Poly(vinyl alcohol) molecular bottlebrushes nucleate ice. Bordeaux Polymer Conference, Bordeaux, FR, 13-16 June 2022. Poster.
- Daniela Tomasino. Glycosylated Nanoparticles by SET-LR-PISA. Bordeaux Polymer Conference, Bordeaux, FR, 13-16 June 2022. Poster.
- Avelino Ferreira, Jennifer Fernandez Alarcon, Sergio Moya, Paolo Bigini, Marco Monopoli. In vitro and In vivo Biological Evaluation of Functionalized Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery. ETP Nanomedicine conference, Braga, PT, 20-23 June 2022. Poster.
- Alessia Pancaro, Michal Szymonik, Patricia Pérez Schmidt, Gizem Erol, Africa Barrientos, Laura Polito, Marco Gobbi, Sam Duwé, Jelle Hendrix & Inge Nelissen. Mannose-binding Lecting Detection Assay using Gold Nanorods. NMR23, Liverpool, UK, 19-22 June 2023. Poster.